
지역발전과 인재양성의 요람, 국립안동대학교!



국외 자매결연

자매결연 국가





기준일 : 2021. 4. 1

국외 자매결연대학

국외 자매결연대학 국가명, 대학명, 채결일자
국가명 대학명 체결일자
미국 Frostburg state University 1989.12.07
The University of Montevallo 1992.06.01
University of Hawaii at Manoa 1996.11.22
University of California, Riverside 1997.08.05
Ashland University 2000.07.26
University of Montana 2003.10.07
University of Hawaii at Hilo 2004.09.24
Intercultural Institute of California 2004.11.20
Regional Virginia University 2008.08.14
Kentucky State University 2011.03.16
Moravian College 2011.08.13
California State University 2012.03.12
Midway University 2016.05.04
Campbellsville University 2016.08.02
The University of Akron 2017.10.04
Concord University 2018.10.08
호주 The University of Tasmania 2004.02.04
Griffith University 2006.01.25
University of Sourthern Queensland 2012.02.06
이탈리아 Universita' Deglistudi Perugia 2007.02.05
프랑스 Universite De Paris X-NANTERRE 2007.09.28
University of Strasbourg 2009.10.21
스페인 University of Granda 2011.05.15
튀니지 Gabes University 2007.02.08
터키 Pamukkale University 2008.10.01
페루 Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos 2004. 08. 31
르완다 Kigali Institute of Science & Technology 2011.10.05
멕시코 Universidad de Guanato 2005.01.21
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan 2005.01.24
중국 复旦大学人文学院 2000. 06. 28
郑州大学 2001.05.21
华中科技大学 2001.09.17
武汉大学 2003.09.24
东北师范大学 2003.10.10
吉首大学 2003.12.18
集美大学 2006.08.05
연대과학기술대학 2008.09.09
黄山学院 2009.04.23
青岛斌海学院 2009.04.24
山东科技大学 2009.09.18
哈尔滨理工大学 2010.07.02
黑龙江东方学院 2010.07.02
浙江理工大学 2010.07.05
曲阜师范大学 2011.11.11
南通大学 2011.12.22
牡丹江师范学院 2014.04.09
山東理工大学 2014.04.23
济南大学 2015.10.19
山东师范大学 2017.07.19
필리핀 Bataan Polytechnic State College 2002.09.12
Bataan State College 2002.09.12
Tarlac Agriculture College 2002.09.12
Commission of Higher Education 2002.09.12
Bulacan State University 2002.09.12
Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2002.09.12
Pampanga Agriculture College 2002.11.04
Leyte Normal University 2003.05.01
Leyte Institute of Technology 2003.05.01
Palmon Institute of Technology 2003.05.01
Naval Institute of Technology 2003.05.01
Aurora State College of Technology 2003.05.01
Bulacan National Agricultural State College 2003.05.01
Tiburcio Tancinco memorial institute of Science & Technology 2003.05.01
University of the East 2011.08.06
De La Salle Araneta University 2019.03.15
말레이시아 University Malaysia, Sarawak 2011.03.21
Universiti Malaysia Perlis 2014.02.26
파키스탄 University of Engineering & Technology 2010.12.03
대만 中國文化大學 1986.12.31
國立東華大學 2007.04.14
일본 Saga University 1997.12.11
Kokushikan University 2001.03.27
Toyohashi University of Technology 2003.06.10
Muroran Institute of Technology 2004.06.08
University Of Miyazaki 2018.01.18
베트남 Dalat University 2005.09.01
Vietnam National University of Social Sciences and Humanities 2018.09.04
인도 National Institute of Technology, Calicut 2004.11.03
캄보디아 Royal University of Law and Economics 2004.07.26
인도네시아 Maranatha Christian University 2012.07.10
University Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon 2015.02.01
이집트 Assiut University 2004.08.03
Cairo University 2005.12.30
러시아 Peoples' Friend-ship Univ. of Russia 1999.07.12
Ussuriysk State Pedagogical Institute 2000.11.01
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University 2005.11.11
Pacific National University 2008.06.12
Maritime State University 2008.07.09
Vladivostok State University of Economics & Services 2008.06.27
University of Tyumen 2019.03.19
카자흐스탄 Almaty Technological University 2001.09.12
Eurasian National University 2004.07.22
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University 2004.08.25
Taraz State University 2004.08.26
Aktau State University 2005.05.27
Almaty University of Technology and Business 2005.05.27
Zheskazgan University 2005.05.27
우즈베키스탄 Tashkent Institute of Irrigation & Melioration 2005.05.27
키르기스스탄 Center of Management and Business Under kyrgyz national University 2005.05.27
Specialists' Purpose-oriented Training Institution 2005.05.27
타지키스탄 Khudjand Branch of Tajikistan Technological University 2005.05.27
Tajik State University of Commerce 2005.05.27
네팔 Tribhuvan University 2004.08.20
Purbanchal University 2005.12.16
방글라데시 Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University 2006.12.22
University of Rajshahi 2012.08.28
Bangladesh Agricultural University 2013.08.29
KHULNA Univeristy of Engineering & Technology 2018.08.28
모로코 Unioversity of Hassan II Casablanca 2014.11.03
몽골 Mongolian National University 2017.02.27
에티오피아 Adama Science and Technology University 2018.03.13
루마니아 Transilvania University of Brasov 2019.11.18
32개국 112개교

국외 자매결연기관

국외 자매결연기관 국가명, 기관명, 체결일자
국가명 기관명 체결일자
중국 山东社会科学院 1993
난통마크교육배훈학교 2009.08.08
孔子学院 总部 2012.05.15
Hong Kong Fringe Club (중국 홍콩) 2003.09.24
南通富涵教育咨询有限公司 2015.03.11
南通起航教育咨询有限公司 2015.03.11
연변대학교 민족연구원 2015.01.16
黑龙江新闻社 2016.03.28
일본 JASNET, 산업인력공단 2001.03.16
이집트 National Research Center 2005.02.26
도미니카공화국 도미니카공화국 교육과학부 2005.07.11
카자흐스탄 JSC Center for International Programs 2005.06.27
알마티한국교육원 2018.04.20
우즈베키스탄 타슈켄트한국교육원 2018.05.13
필리핀 Philippine Rice-research Institute 2006.05.17
TCIS 2012.05.24
인도네시아 반둥한인회 2016.03.31
베트남 은하유학원 2017.09.14
호치민 한국교육원 2018.11.13
캐나다 로얄 에듀케이션 2019.03.15
10개국 20개 기관
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